Re: [8lgm]-Advisory-22.UNIX.syslog.2-Aug-1995

Christian Wettergren (cwe@Csli.Stanford.EDU)
Tue, 29 Aug 1995 18:47:50 -0700

I put together a list of potential problems after a brief glance at
4.3BSD code. These problems are probably inherited into commercial
systems. Most modern systems log even more than 4.3 does.

* Sendmail
  as have already been stated.

* ftpd
  I guess improved ftpd might be using syslog.
  The standard ftpd does use it extensively when run in debug mode.
  And you enter usernames and paths etc all over.

* remote hostnames and DNS games
  Most daemons log a DNS mismatch, but MAXHOSTNAME is usually small
  enough. This shouldn't be a problem.

* Any RPC daemon run in some kind of debug mode
  Many of them do a lot of logging of usre data when run in debug or
  logging mode, for example rpc.lockd, rpc.bootparamd etc

* rpc.bootparamd
  There are extensive use of user-supplied RPC data.

* rpc.lockd
  There is at least one place where a user-supplied data is
  syslog()ed, not counting DEBUG ones. DEBUG mode can however be
  enabled remotely, so one has to count with them all.

* rpc.mountd
  There is some logging done for failed operations.

* rpc.statd
  use extensive logging, but depends on whether compiled with -DDEBUG
  or not. Standard SunOS binary is.
  Found errors being logged, with user data supplied.

* lpd
  by supplying an invalid printer name.

Uncertain ones:

* bind (not verified)
  would surprise me if bind didn't have a lot of "dangerous" logging,
  since it is a decent piece of code. (This one really works back-
  wards. Nasty.)

* popper
  supplying the wrong user name should perhaps do it.

* other stuff in inetd.conf...
* nntpd?
* gopher?
* httpd should be safe, it doesn't use syslog, as far as I remember.
* most /bin/login's should be safe, I think. They only accept limited
  length usernames.
* nfsd in kernel? It does quite a lot logging if nfsdebug is turned

I might very well be wrong on these, either way. Also note that it
is a rather old source I've looked at, 4.3 BSD. I guess one should
make a similar list for each OS, and start recompiling.
